Thursday, 31 March 2011

Call for Entries: Aesthetica Creative Works Competition

The 2011 Aesthetica Creative Works Competition is now open for entries! Aesthetica Magazine is inviting all artists, photographers, writers and poets to submit their work into the Creative Works Competition, Now in its fourth year, the competition is dedicated to celebrating and championing creative talent across the disciplines and welcomes entries from writers working in short fiction and poetry. The Competition has three categories, Artwork & Photography, Poetry and Fiction. Winners and finalists are published in the Aesthetica Creative Works Annual. Winners of each category receive £500 prize money plus other prizes. Entry to the Creative Works Competition is £10. The entry fee allows the submission of 2 images, 2 poems or 2 short stories. The deadline for submissions is the 31st August 2011. More guidelines on how to submit can be found online at

Monday, 28 March 2011

Meeting Report: 21st March 2011

Entries for our second competition of the year were read out at the meeting held on 21st March. This was for an open-theme poem of up to 40 lines, with own choice of form. The fifteen entries submitted showed once again the versatile talent within the group with a rich variety of strong, imaginative work. Whether lyrical, humorous, thought-provoking, inspiring or poignant, contemporary or more traditional, all the offerings made enjoyable listening. This competition will be judged by Bexhill poet Richard Evans, who will attend on 9th May to give his feedback and the results. For further information about our group please visit our website or contact - we currently have a few places available for new members. Rosemary Bartholomew Programme Secretary

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Meeting Report: 7th March 2011

On 7 March, Hastings Writers’ Group got to howk (dig) deep into their brains and work out the meanings of such neglected lexical gems as ‘carriwitchet’, ‘pilgarlic’ and ‘bullimong’. One of our members, Richard Holdsworth, took time out from his busy schedule promoting his latest book In the Hot Seat to organise a fun and fascinating quiz on the ‘Words of Yesteryear’. This was followed by a related exercise in which members had to incorporate as many of these tricky terms as they could into an impromptu piece of writing. They ranged from a poem, inspired by ‘The Jabberwocky’, to a dark tale of rustic crime. Finally, scores for both the quiz and the story were combined, and Laura O’Brien won a well-deserved bottle of wine.
If you love words and writing, why not come along to one of our meetings and give it a go?
For enquiries about activities and membership please contact the membership secretary at or visit our website:
Roz Balp, Membership Secretary