It was business time for the group on Monday October14 – our AGM and Annual
Programme Planning meeting. At the AGM, our Chair, Jill Fricker, reported that
it had been a very successful year for the group, with a new website, a new
anthology, and a record number of new members joining. Attendances at meetings
were also at record levels. In part, this was due to our recruitment of new,
professional judges for our internal competitions. She thanked the Committee
for their hard work, giving a particular mention to Amanda Giles who was
standing down. The Finance Report from our Treasurer, Pauline Piper was also
favourable – the group has built up a good level of reserves and is now able to
subsidise further professional judges and workshop facilitators. The Committee
for 2014 will be Jill Fricker: Chair, Kate O’Hearn: Deputy Chair, Pauline Piper:
Treasurer, Stephanie Gaunt: Publicity and Membership Officer, Janet Kates:
Minutes Secretary, and the newly-elected Mike Rayner as Programmes
The group then turned its attention to planning its
programme for 2014, including agreeing the nature and number of competitions we
wanted, and also workshop topics. It was agreed that as we now have nearly
forty members, events involving small group work would be good to enable members
to get to know each other. 2014 looks to be another exciting year for the