Monday, 17 February 2014

Manuscript Evening - 3 February 2014

On Monday 3 February we held one of our regular Manuscript Evenings, where members are invited to present sections of their work in progress to the rest of the group for constructive critique.
     Facilitated by Kate O'Hearn, the session gave rise to lively discussion. Three people occupied the 'Hot seat', Emma Boyde, with a chapter from her novel about young surfers in Cornwall, Bill Petsing, with an extract from his memoirs about life in the 1930s, and Mike Rayner, with a disquieting but enthralling short story/novella which was part fantasy, and part fairy tale.
     Although Manuscript Evenings may be nerve-wracking, people who submit work find them very valuable, as do those who discuss the pieces.
     We were also pleased to welcome one new member and two prospective members.