Saturday, 20 May 2017

8th May: Sitcom Workshop

Hastings Writers Group was very fortunate to welcome local script writer, poet, producer and performer John Knowles. He presented a workshop on writing comedy, sharing very funny stories of his own life and experiences. We were treated to videos of performances some of John’s work. These showed how easy it is to make people laugh – if you happen to be extremely talented, intelligent and blessed with a sharp, sometimes dark, sense of humour. John gave us some useful tools to help us prepare for our forthcoming sit-com writing competition. These included advice on character and plot set-ups as well as some practical tips relating to script writing and the best reference books and computer software available. Members were entertained and inspired in equal measure.

24 April Life Writing Readings

Members read out their entries to the life writing competition. The fascinating accounts covered decades and spanned continents. We heard amusing anecdotes about much loved parents and grandparents, and stories passed down through generation, possibly embellished along the way. We enjoyed autobiographical accounts. These included tales of childhood chronicled through accidents, illnesses and medical treatments. We also heard an interesting tale of one boy’s efforts to raise money for a ski trip by working in a fizzy drinks factory. We heard reflections of consciousness and happiness made during a slightly booze-filled trip around Hastings and considered death and its portrayal in the media. Another fun meeting showcasing the diverse styles of our very creative members.