Monday, 4 December 2017

27th November 2017 - writing exercise

This evenings meeting was based around a hugely enjoyable writing exercise that tested our imaginations and our ability to play well with others. Each member arrived with a prepared character, described in no more than 250 words. These included an alien in human form, a shop worker with a pigeon phobia, a guardian angel and a talking snake who can only be understood by those he has bitten. Working in group of four or five, members wove these into wonderfully bizarre and fascinating story plots. Each group rose well to the additional challenge of skilfully incorporating, or crowbarring in, three props randomly selected by the throwing of picture dice.

13th Novemember 2017 - Poetry Workshop

This meeting took the form of a poetry workshop, led by prize winning poet Kim Lasky. Kim spoke to members about the benefit of entering competitions in order to get published. She also gave some very useful advice about the different types of competition and how to select the right one. Kim read a selection of her own superb poems and answered a broad selection of member’s questions. 

30 October 2017 - Catherine Cookson Compeititon Entries

During this meeting members read out their entries to the 2017 Catherine Cookson competition. There was a satisfying amount of murder, mayhem and mystery. We heard tales of long lost relatives, family breakdowns and a knitting circle whose members were not all as innocent as they seemed. The entries will be judged by Thorne Ryan, an editor, and the results announced at our presentation evening and 70th anniversary celebrations on 8th December, 2017.