In a very relaxed, interesting and useful workshop, members focussed on the giving and
receiving of criticism. We considered the pros and cons of techniques such as the
‘praise sandwich’. We also spoke about the delicate balance of offering feedback in a
positive, supportive manner while still making it honest and helpful. Members took part
in a practical activity, working together to critique stories written by unknown authors.
This experience was aimed at strengthening the support for members to develop their
writing skills, receive feedback and solve problems in their personal writing projects.
receiving of criticism. We considered the pros and cons of techniques such as the
‘praise sandwich’. We also spoke about the delicate balance of offering feedback in a
positive, supportive manner while still making it honest and helpful. Members took part
in a practical activity, working together to critique stories written by unknown authors.
This experience was aimed at strengthening the support for members to develop their
writing skills, receive feedback and solve problems in their personal writing projects.