5th Manuscript Evening to discuss members’ work in progress
4 places + 1 reserve, to be booked in advance
Also, entries for the front cover of our Strandline anthology
will be judged this evening by group members
19th Competition 4: Review (entries)
Write a review of a book/film/TV programme/show/play of your choice in 750 words maximum
2nd Workshop: ‘Limits and Blocks’ with Life Coach David Finn
Understanding where our limitations come from and how to move beyond them and tap into a greater potential.
NB Limited guest spaces may be available by arrangement for this workshop.
16th Competition 4: Review (results)
Judge: Lynda Turner from the Bexhill Observer will attend to give feedback and results as well as an overview about working as a reporter/
6th An evening with our patron, novelist Tamara McKinley
Tamara will talk about planning and constructing your writing as well as answering any questions (these may be forwarded in advance to hastingswriterwgroup@googlemail.com)
20th Competition 5: Monologue (entries)
Write in the first person, relating your thoughts, opinions, feelings or anecdotes etc as if speaking to someone else, an audience, or even to yourself!
Open theme 1500 words maximum.:
4th Guest Speaker: Nicola Crossley from Orion
An overview of how a publishing house operates and the Young Publishers Association (to be confirmed)
18th Competition No 5: Monologue (results)
Representatives of Eastbourne Writers’ Group, judges of this competition, will attend to give feedback and results. If time, they will also talk about their programme this year so we can exchange ideas.
1st AGM/Programme Planning Meeting
An opportunity for all members to be involved in putting forward, discussing and voting on group issues and ideas for next year. This is an important double-meeting, please make a special effort to attend.
15th Catherine Cookson Cup Short Story Competition (entries)
Open theme, 3000 words maximum
Please note this competition is only open to members who have attended a minimum of 4 previous meetings.
Judge author Patrick Lennon will give feedback and results at the Presentation Evening i in December.
29th Workshop: ‘Every Object Tells a Story’ with Monica Percy
A fun ‘writing on the spot’ workshop for our last group meeting of the year.
10th (Friday) Annual Presentation Evening with Buffet
A look back at our writing year, presentation of prizes for our internal competitions and to any of our Legend Writing Award winners able to attend. Guest judge Patrick Lennon will give results of the Catherine Cookson Cup competition.
Tickets will be available from 1st November meeting.
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Amateurs d'art et de gravures anciennes,
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