Sunday, 3 June 2012

Meeting Report: 28 April 2012

On Monday 28 April we gathered for one of our regular Manuscript Evenings, where people have the opportunity to present their work in progress to the group. There was a slightly anxious feeling in the room as the chosen four got their material ready, but although the discussion of each piece can be searching, comments and suggestions are delivered positively and constructively.
    First, we listened to Steph Gaunt present the opening section of a new piece about Muriel, a high-class shop mannequin. Although this had been intended to be a short story, the group felt that the snobbish, fashion-obsessed Muriel was developing a very strong ‘personality’, and her varied adventures would be better expanded into a novel.
    Next, new member Maurice Haken read us an excerpt from ‘Barging round Belgium’, about a part of his life spent travelling round the waterways of Europe. We listened, on the edge of our seats, while the barge hurtled, out of control, towards a low bridge....
    After that drama, we needed comic relief. We found it with an extract from ‘Moondance’, a radio play written by Amanda Giles. She (somewhat rashly) asked the assembled company to take on the various parts for the reading. As the play was set in Wales, this was challenging – our accents wobbled wildly from Wales to Ireland, Australia to Pakistan via Yorkshire. The play was very good too!
    Exhausted, we were glad to listen to our last presentation, ‘Old Soldier’ a short story from Richard Holdsworth. This was a poignant account of an elderly man who fought at Monte Cassino and regained his lost memories at a contemporary re-enactment event.
    The Group meets fortnightly at the White Rock Hotel. If you are interested in joining (there is currently a waiting list), or in finding out more about our activities, please contact the Membership Secretary, Amanda Giles, on 01424 442707 or e-mail You can also visit our website at

Report by Steph Gaunt

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