Saturday, 25 August 2012

Meeting Report: 20th August 2012

On Monday 20 August it was competition results time once again. This time, our challenge had been to write a story all in dialogue.  Our guest judge was Dr Elizabeth Allen, a former lecturer in literature and cultural studies, who has judged competitions and run workshops for us previously.
     Elizabeth started by identifying some of the difficulties of writing dialogue for fiction.  For example, in a dialogue-only piece, there is the problem of differentiating between the characters – giving each a recognisable ‘voice’. Real-life dialogue is full of pauses, hesitations, and random digressions which are hard to portray convincingly.  Finally, effective dialogue has to make every word count, and keep the story moving without getting bogged down in too much detail and information.
     She felt the entries were of a very high standard, and singled out four for special mention:
     In fourth place was ‘The Voice of Reason’ by Stephen Martin.  This was a dark, intense piece about a young man with mental health difficulties.  In complete contrast, the third place entry, ‘Single to St. Leonard’s’ by Richard Holdsworth was a comic dialogue between two women on a bus – but making some telling cultural and political points. In second place was ‘The Second Tyranny’, by Mike Walsh. Set in the 1940s, this was another intense piece about a psychiatrist interviewing a multiple murderer.  The winner was the very unusual ‘Soldier’s Story’ by Jill Fricker.  Set in the Greek Antiquities Room of the British Museum, it described a conversation between a British soldier who had just returned from fighting in Iraq and a torso of the god Apollo.  The piece was both moving and chilling, and a worthy winner.
     We all expressed our thanks to Elizabeth for her hard work, and for her wise words of guidance and encouragement.
The Group meets fortnightly at the White Rock Hotel. If you are interested in joining (there is currently a waiting list), or in finding out more about our activities, please contact the Membership Secretary, Amanda Giles, on 01424 442707 or e-mail You can also visit our website at

Report compiled by Steph Gaunt

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