5th October, our Vice-Chair, the best-selling children's
author, Kate O'Hearn, took time out of her extremely busy writing
schedule to help members to prepare their manuscripts for a literary
agent. This was particularly useful and timely as this year our
3000-word stories for the annual Catherine Cookson Cup Competition
will be judged by talent scout, Sarah O'Halloran, from the Madeleine
Milburn Literary Agency. Kate gave us tips on selling our work by
capturing an agent's attention in one minute, writing clear outlines
and tantalising synopses and scouring the 'Artists' and Writers'
Yearbook' to find the right agent. She also gave a fascinating and
entertaining account of her own experiences with publishers and
editors as well as useful, practical answers to our questions. We ended the
evening on a creative note as we attempted to write a first paragraph
that would ensure our manuscripts didn't end up on a bored editor's
spike. Kate was positive and encouraging throughout, so we all left
inspired to write and have our work published.
we congratulate Marcia Woolf on having another of her stories
shortlisted and were pleased to hear that Rachel Marsh has another
article on the 'Daily News Service'.
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