Wednesday 2 March 2016

'Given Phrase' Results - 29th February, 2016

On 29 February, we all gathered with bated breath to hear the results of our first competition of the year, a 2000-word short story, incorporating the 'given phrase', “and then the whispering started”. The judge was acclaimed local writer Alexandra Benedict (or A K Benedict), whose latest thriller, 'Jonathan Dark or the Evidence of Ghosts', has recently been published by Orion and is receiving excellent reviews. Alexandra gave us all encouraging and constructive feedback, praising our work for its array of convincing characters, fluid narrative, clear structure and deft use of language. She also gave useful suggestions on how to improve our stories, e.g. by making sure that titles grab a reader's attention, that details are selected carefully, that well-worn phrases are avoided and that endings are strong. Alexandra then announced the four winners: in first place was Maddie Blake's 'The Song of the Tree', praised for its authentic dialogue and atmosphere of mystery and yearning. 'The Song's Sake', by Elizabeth Allen noted for its beautiful and assonance-rich language, was second. Sarah Corrie's brave and honest 'Shut Up You Bitch Or the Neighbours Will Hear You' was third, and 'This Won't Last' by Jill Fricker, with its original point of view, was fourth.

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